It's on the east coast about 15 km (as the Starling flies) south of Dublin - the orange circle at the lower end of the track.
These gun towers are all along the coast, every few km or so. I saw about 3 along my trip. They are called Martello towers after the original builder. Apparently, there is one along the coast with 3 working guns.
If you've got some spare Euros:
Looking south from the tower along the coast. They squeezed the rail lines right along the beach.

This photo to the right and the one above are supposed to be side by side, but I can't get them lined up. Probably a setting somewhere. You'll have to use your imagination to see a small harbour enclosed by a stone pier. Lots of fishing rowboats across the other side.
Bullock Castle ruins. Built about 1150 by an order of monks to protect the locals.
Another small fishing harbour with some beautiful boats pulled up on shore. I saw one on the river at Dublin today being rowed by 3 rowers. They look like a very nice boat to row.
And, the rest of that harbour. Very enclosed and protected. A lot of work to long ago when a machine was a shovel and each block was manually chipped & formed.
A little further south and here's a peekaboo view of the hills around somebody's swanky house.
And finally, I'm in Bray. Here's the beach with a view of the headland to the south.
A quick lunch and turn around for the trip back to Dublin.
I had plotted a course on FRED (my GPS) for the trip down, but I kept upsetting him by choosing the coast roads. On the way back I followed FRED's suggestions and went inland. A quicker route, except for when he almost put me on the freeway.
Some previous business - which way do rotating doors rotate in Ireland? Herer's tghe picture:
This one turns counterclockwise (like North America) - I chickened out and waited for some people to go through and followed them. If you look carefully you can see the push bar on the left side of the open door.
Now that doesn't mean all doors are like this. I'll be watching and report any later sightings I have.
Also, to report - I saw Unleaded Gas for 1.5 Euros today (about $2.40 a litre).
Lots of cyclists arriving today. Bikes all over the place. Unfortunately, one gal's bike got left in New York. Apparently, it is supposed to arrive tomorrow.
Not sure what we're doing tomorrow. I may be helping to assemble bikes (Ha=ve Tools, Will Get Drafted). Pre-ride party in the bar tomorrow evening.
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