We were lead through Rembrandtpark (near our hotel), then Vondelpark, then through the streets. Very pleasant, but no pix.

A typical cycle crossing of a road. Note the bicycle signal light. Also, they have sensors in the road to sense bikes before the intersections and turn our signals green. Talk about good service!

A rather pretty boat further along. If you look carefully at the base of the mast you can see the 'tabernacle,' the fitting that the mast pivots on when it is lowered.
Well maintained boat - just the spar varnish cost alone would keep you in the poorhouse.

I haven't taken any pictures of signs, but this one floored me. The two words are 'doorrijhoogte varieert.' It was the first word that caught my attention - 4 'o' & 2 'r'
It translates to 'clearance height varies.'

We passed a long line of cars stopped on the road beside us. Accident? Nope. The bridge was up while they loaded 7 boats into the lock. The bridge was down just as we arrived, but we watched for a while.

A long stretch of bicycle lanes & single lane traffic. Look! A hill in the distance. That stretch was over 5 km.
You know it's a slow day for photos when we stop for chickens. But check out the feathered feet on these guys. Any idea what breed of chicken they are? I asked Mr. Google and got two possibilities: Cochins or silkies. I think cochin.

We've made it to Zwolle and are in our modern new hotel, the Lumen. It's on the outside of town.
Can you guess which room the cyclists are in? (It's not mine)

I got in, showered & took a short walk to town. On the way, this building, a hospital.
Along the canal was this line of old working boats, probably converted to liveaboards now. The one up front was an old sailboat with leeboards (side retractable keels) and a broken mast. It certainly had seen better days. These boats were a similar style with very stubby prows.
Around the next corner of the canal is a much neater looking group of boats - the higher rent district?
Here's a map of Zwolle, showing some islands in the canals. The boats in rough shape are at the upper right on the map.
The older part of Zwolle is on the larger of the two islands. The map also shows the relationship between canals and cities and their interdependence.
So, that's it for today. Nothing too exciting and a quiet Sunday evening in a smaller city.
Tomorrow we cross into Germany, heading for Meppen.