So, we're all ready to go except for whatever we forgot.
The first riders meeting was this morning. Introductions all around, but of course I forgot most of the names. At least 4 of us from the island, a couple from Vancouver, a fairly large number from the states. I'm going to look at the TDA website again to see if I can connect names & faces.

Been waiting all week for these pictures. This is a view from our room, overlooking the adjacent roofs. Note the seagull and the white lump to his right at the corner of the roof.

That's Mom on the nest. I've lived in Kye Bay and Nanoose for over 40 years and I have to come to Ireland to see a gull nesting. Go figure!
Back to the riders meeting. Here are the staff's phone numbers. I'm putting the photo here, so I can access it from any computer, should I have a problem. That hopefully guarantees that I won't.
Memo to self: remember the difference between European 7's & 1's.
Minor fact's from the rider's meeting:
-More bikes are stolen from European TDA tours than anywhere else. Oops, we only brought a wimpy day lock with a flimsy cable.
-Some of the jurisdictions over here require cyclists to wear approved visi-vests with wide reflective stripes. Our really bright Canadian vests may not cut it (especially if the policeperson is having a bad day.
So, off we trundle. We remembered a little hardware store we bought clothes pegs at yesterday. Yay, they have the vests (5 Euros) and a skookum chain lock (20 Euros). So, we are set.
Last shot for now - here's about 1/3 of the bikes in the dingy garage. The tires look nice & bright with the flash.
Here's what will be a typical morning schedule:
-Bring our bags down at 0645
-Brekky at 0700
-Riders meeting @ 0745
-Begin leaving at 0800.
Here's some impressions of Dublin:
-Too many smokers
-Dirty, but no more so than similar cities
-Many, many bars & restaurants. We are in the heart of the tourist section
-Lots to do. Easy to spend a week here without getting bored, but book tours early. They fill up fast
-Irish food is basic, and, there are some excellent restaurants around. Our favourite was an Italian place.
We're heading off to the Temple Bar in a while to try and get in, so we can say we did.
The Temple Bar is one of the most famous in Dublin.

A couple of pix. See that empty table! We've been here 4 or 5 times this week and never got a table, let alone see another one.

A little story about the Ha'penny bridge.

We went for dinner at the Merchant's Arch Pub, just across the bridge. The 1st floor was way too loud, the 2nd was a balcony overlooking the 1st. Then there was a separate 3rd floor. Nice & quiet. Here's the view from our table.

Look closer at the traffic across the way. A Guinness tanker disguised as two beer cans! A closeup of the truck.

We had the upper window on the right. OK pub food, good beer (as usual) and a nice way to end our stay in Dublin.
More after we start riding. TTFN